Tiny Book

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Post for Avvy & SilverDawn

Other people, you don't have to look at this. This is just because I'm NM on Animal Jam and can't respond to a Jam-a-Gram, and this is the blog that both of them look at, and not to many other people, so it won't be weird. >.<

Avvy: I didn't get the Sweet Walls yet, and I have no idea what for them. >.<
I have no idea what they are worth!

SilverDawn: I didn't get the Walls yet. If you have sent them, something probably messed up (the same happened with a thing of MisterChunkyBuddy's...AJ is wacky :P). If you haven't, do you think I could trade them with Kinyonga? We're on at about the same time...then I can trade with Avvy!
Sorry to trouble you, Dawn!


Sorry for all that!


  1. Oh, sorry about that. You should trade them with Kinyonga, as you suggested :3

    1. I'm not too fussed about it anymore :3

      I just brought it up because Avvy asked me what for it


  2. I have Sweet Walls! Sorry, not trading them-they're really special. >.<
