Tiny Book

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Immunity and Poison Ivy

   Two days ago, me and my friend Erin where doing random stuff. She wanted to show me a sticky substance. We walked over to where she found it. Then she began swatting around aimlessly!

  Then I saw bright orange random flying things in all directions!

"Run! Run! There are 7 bees attacking me!" She yelled. Quite concerned, I stayed until she stopped swatting at her legs. Then I ran with her.

So, basically, me and Erin got attacked by Mud Wasps. But, I thought I didn't get stung. I didn't feel a thing. Nothing at all... Until a happening from my past sparked my imagination!

This post is about IMMUNITY.

I am party immune to POISON IVY. Here are some facts about poison ivy and being immune to poison ivy.
How do you get poison ivy?
From touching it, or touching something that has touched it, like your clothes or your dog. You normally get it from touching the leaves, but yanking the vine out by the roots - even in winter - will give you a wicked rash.

Using a weed eater to remove poison ivy will result in spraying your legs with poison ivy. If you are bare-legged and get scratches while splattered with sap from poison ivy, you may be headed to the emergency room.

And there are more unusual ways to get it, like breathing smoke from firewood burning with poison ivy on it. Which can also put people into the hospital.

What about immunity?
Some people appear to be immune, others become immune. HOWEVER, you can gain or lose immunity, so to assume you can't get it if you never have before is foolish. People change as they age. I would never assume that I was immune at any time no matter what my past experience was.


Website: Poison Ivy FAQ

Well, I assume I must continue my story now.

Well, so I was in our tent. There was a wasp in the back of it but heck, I didn't know! Lol, anyway, I went to touch it. Then it stung me on the finger. I didn't feel a thing. It kinda tickled! :P But I decided to leave. SO I AM IMMUNE TO MANY THINGS. Such as.... Poison Ivy Sun burn Bee stings And that's all I know! Awkward post huh? lol! Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!


  1. O.O

    I wish I was immune to poison ivy!

    Nice siggy!

    1. I get oozing, weeping, yucky blisters from poison ivy...
