Tiny Book

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Poetry...about poems, plus some by me

Hello! This is Dawn! ^.^

One thing I love to do is write poetry. The thing about poetry is that you need inspiration. You can write stories without inspiration if you have imagination, but with poetry you need both (inspiration also helps for writing stories, of course). One good description of poetry is "the right words in the right order''.  Poems do not have to rhyme, but good rhymes make a poem lovely. Poems can be funny, beautiful, tragic, moving, anything, or a mix of things, of course. :) 

Now, here are some of my poems! :3

                    Mozzi, Mozzi in The Car
By Kinyonga, SilverDawn, and their mother

Mozzi, mozzi, in the car, 
I am sure you've gone to far.
You must mend your evil ways, 
Before I use my sprays!

Oh, you little pest, 
I'm sure you've done your best, 
To horrify the nation, 
And disgust the population!

The Rain
By SilverDawn

Hear the Rain!
Drumming on the rooftops, 
Splashing in a puddle!
You are left in a muddle,
So think again, 
Is the Rain a pain?

The answer is no,
The Rain is a wonder,
As not many know!

It can save the crops,
With its little drops!

Today We Went To The Stream
By SilverDawn

Today we went to the stream, 

The sun was all of a beam!

We gave some biscuit to the neighbour's horses, 

But when we ventured into the horses' paddock, 

We had to run with all our forces, 

Unless we wanted to be reduced to mushed haddock!

We waded into the stream, 

The water was warmer than it would seem!

I got my dress quite wet, 

But that was no reason to fret!

We had a very nice time, 

And we'll be back again soon to pick some thyme!

By SilverDawn

Poet's Note: For those of you who didn't know, Treacle is our three-legged cat ^.^  

Trifoot tornado
Cute :3
Extremely fluffy

**Note from Kinyonga - Meep! :3 Does anyone here have a cure for stupid rhymes? I mean, while I'm (for instance) tidying, I start garbling ridiculous stuff...
E.g. The end of the world is nigh! So come and say bye-bye! Everyone is sad, including the prime minister...
Then I couldn't find a rhyme for "minister" >.<  
Please tell me if you have a cure! :3**

Teehee, just like Kiny (she is my big sister). :3



  1. minister, sinister, ...

    that's all I got XD

  2. Replies
    1. When we get several more authors, let's hold a banner contest for a new banner!

    2. Oooh! Good idea!
      I love making banners. :3
